Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rise Of The Mobile Video Blog

Once again, technology development has been drastically changing to provide the society with simplicity and also the convenience in managing their daily routines. Mobile video blogs can be used even in mobile phones for their comfort to watch videos and also downloading which ever shows they would like to watch on their mobile. Besides that, the mobile video blogs are able to bring updated news about the world and even also live broadcasting just by having a mobile phone. Other than just watching shows on the phone, now you can even edit pictures and also edit musics just through your mobile phones.

However, specific mobile phones only can be played on the n95, Motorola's new Z10 or even LG KS20:

Phone Model: Nokia N95 8GB

Phone Model: Motorola Z10

Phone model: LG KS20

These phones are updated to bring the best for the people to gain the convenience and also the simplicity to watch their favourite series, editing, or even live broadcasting just in the palm of their hands. Before this, people were required to head home and watch their favourite shows on televisions and also on the computer. Now, with up to date technology, it basically helped the society in a better way thus also satisfying them through the new services. According to Kress and van Leeuwen (1998, p.188), information should be obtained immediate, short and detail in order to cater the fast pace moving society. That is why with rising mobile video blogs it allows immediate and fast wherever people are.

In conclusion, I would most definitely agree that the new technology has allowed people to deal in a simpler way and also in ease of having to watch programs that they desire just through the mobile phone. Editing and also postings can be dealt in through mobiles. Besides that, Walsh (2006) mentions A reader entering this site will do so to obtain information. Its purpose is to give the reader a variety of information engage us to not just learn but to become involved”. Therefore, with services provided in the provided specific phone shown it allows not only to learn but also to be part of the process. Such as watching your live football on your phone.

Reference list

BBC news (2008), Rise of The Mobile Video Blog, Viewed 9th November

Kress G & van Leeuwen T 1998, “Front Pages: (The Critical) Analysis of Newspaper Layout”, Blackwell, Oxford.

Walsh M 2006, “The ‘textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts”, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 24-37.

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