Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Power Of The Photograph

Based in this article, it explains the significance of what visual pictures can do compared to just written text. Walsh (2006 p,24) mentions that multimodels play an important role as it is able to "show" audience the meaning in a clearer view compared to just written texts. Written text only are able to "tell" the audience purely with words. Furthermore, Kress & van Leeuwan (1998, pp. 175-208) explains that words can explain different meanings because of the tone, intonation, humour, irony, sarcasm and word play. Pictures helps understand the story clearer and also explain their current situation.

In given text (The power of the photograph), it explains that a first visitors of the day have arrived at the former-warehouse-turned-gallery. Right at the entrance a large photograph of a middle-aged woman, her face distorted by pain, her mouth wide open, and her left hand pressed against her cheek in horror. If it were to be just written like this we could only imagine of how she looks like. However, if this were to be placed in a picture form it would show in depth of how she would really be like. An example of A woman taken to an emergency feeding center in Somalia established by the Irish charity concern waits for food and medical attention.

Source: ShahindulNews (2008)

Pictures are able to inform audience of the real story behind a story. It brings audience to another level of understanding of a situation. like the picture shown above, this was the help that was provided to her using a cart wheel as a form of transport to be attended to. Walsh (2006, pp.29-30) explains that images have effective, aesthetic, and imaginary level for audience to understand visualize meaning better.

However, pictures also has issues. Pictures can be altered leaving false information. Other than that, stereotyping other countries. Example Africa, who are having wars, poverty and diseases which needs much attention. Schriver (1997, p. 369) mentions,audiences relies both textual and pictorial elements to construct the meaning when reading the document as different modes (textual and pictorial modes) provide different interpretation and meaning. That is why with pictures it allow to create that awareness and interest to people. Finally, A combination of narratives and images will be able enhance the message to be convey effectively to the audience as both medium have different interpretations and communication method (Walsh 2006, p.31).

In conclusion, I would say that pictures plays a major role in creating that awareness to people but also allowing them to experience what people are experiencing in other countries. Pictures can express much feelings and also could tell many things about their lives. That is why, pictures should be complimented with written text to further show a clearer picture of what is happening.

Reference List 2008, “The power of photograph”, viewed 15 October 2008,|

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006, The meaning of composition, Reading images, Ch. 6, pp.175-208.

Lester PM 1995, “Photojournalism Ethics Timeless Issues”, viewed 16 October 2008,

ShahidulNews 2008, “The World’s Preeminent Photojournalists and Thinkers Depict Essential Issues of Our Time,” viewed 16 October 2008,

Schriver KA 1997, “The interplay of words and pictures”, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

Walsh, M. 2006,” ‘Textual shift’: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,” Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, p.24-37.

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