Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Online Vs Print

Technology has been changing so quickly without us noticing is. Now in the current environment there is wireless connection and even mobiles having to read their news from compared to the traditional printed version. However, the printed documents are documents which forces audience to read from left to right or even top to bottom (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2006).

Personally, I would run through the news papers (printed form) just to know what happening information for the day is. According to Penman (1998) calls this kind of individuals as ‘flippers’. Flippers are readers which are most likely stop to read when something catches their attention. for example of a print is shown below.

Title: The Star newspaper
Source: Goggle images

Virtual newspaper readers allow to scan through the documents simpler (Nielsen 1997). Furthermore, by using the virtual newspaper, it allows quicker, simpler, concise and has the highlighted keywords and hyperlinks for further understanding (Nielsen, 1997). An example of a virtual news paper is shown below.

Title: The Monitor
Source: Goggle images

Hyperlinks are important as it gives me further information about the concerning issue. Walsh (2006) mentions that hyperlinks allow readers to research more on the particular topic the reader is interested in.

For example, whenever I on my lap top, I always have Yahoo as my start up web page cause it allows me to know the latest happenings. Furthermore, Yahoo provides text, videos, articles which are all related to the particular story.

Title: Yahoo
Source: Yahoo Images

To conclude, I would say both plays an important role in providing information. It depends on how one selects the Medias to suit their lifestyle.

Reference list

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006. Reading images. Chapter 1:
The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication.

Nielsen, J, 1997. How Users Read on the Web, viewed 5th May 2008 at http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9710a.html

Walsh, M. 2006,” ‘Textual shift’: Examining the reading process
with print, visual and multimodal texts", Australian Journal of
Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, p.24-37.

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